

Today’s office space operates mostly by electronics – powered by electricity. 电脑和显示器, 电子打印机, 路由器和集线器, 电话, 充电站, and many other peripheral devices are all plugged in and are potentially hazardous if improperly used or maintained. 

Proper procedures should be in place to protect workers inside the office and ensure that their workspace environment is safe from electrical hazards. 

  • Only use equipment that has been tested and approved by the Canadian Standards Association (CSA). 
  • Do not use electrical equipment or appliances near water or wet surfaces. 
  • Never use electrical equipment when your hands or the equipment is wet. 
  • Unplug or disconnect electronic equipment before servicing or repairing. 
  • 不要忽视警告信号. 如果一件物品摸起来很烫, 发出不寻常的声音(嗡嗡声或嗡嗡声), 烟雾或火花, take it out of service immediately and tag it with a "Do Not Use" label. 
  • Inspect cords and equipment regularly, and report any defects immediately. 
  • 只能使用正确接地或双绝缘的设备. 
  • 不要让插座过载. 
  • 不要将多插座酒吧插入其他多插座酒吧. 
  • Do not run power cords or extension cords under rugs or mats as this can damage the wires and create potential tripping hazards. 
  • Do not run electrical cords across pedestrian aisles as this creates potential tripping hazards. 
  • 从插座上拔出电线时要抓住插头,而不是电线. 

工作安全远不止安全帽和安全靴那么简单. One of the leading causes of fatalities and serious injuries on the job is electrocution. Taking a short cut and compromising safety to meet a deadline is just asking for trouble. 

盖屋顶, 革新者, 画家, 壁板安装, 拆建人员, and many more trades involved in residential and commercial projects are constantly at risk. 

在工作场所暴露于电气危险中, particularly in the construction industry where large aerial and/or digging equipment is commonly used, 会对那些在户外工作的人造成严重的危险吗. 电力线通常在空中和地下运行, and it is important that workers understand the dangers that surround them on a job site, 以避免伤害自己或同事. 

你不必触碰电力线就能受到致命的电击. Electricity can jump or "arc" to you or your tools if you get too close. 

Stay at least three metres (10 feet) back from powerlines and follow these safety rules: 

  • 盖住或保护任何外露的电气元件或电线, 确保员工意识到任何危险. 
  • 不要在带电或带电的设备上工作, and always follow proper lock and tag out procedures before performing any electrical work. Test the power after locking and tagging out to ensure there is no power being fed to what you are working on. 
  • 永远不要掩饰, obscure or bury utility overhead or underground wires without the authorization of Alectra Utilities. 
  • 保留电器面板, fuse boxes and circuit breakers locked and secure to prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing them. 
  • 不要在潮湿的环境下操作电气设备. 
  • Avoid exposing electrical tools and equipment to a damp or wet environment unless they are protected. 
  • Ensure components in and around all electrical equipment are in good working condition. 
  • 检查所有电线的绝缘是否损坏或接地插口是否缺失. If they are damaged, frayed or worn, discard them to remove them from use. 

  • Look up and look out before you lift your load to avoid making contact with overhead powerlines when using aerial trucks. 
  • Dump truck drivers and construction workers must ensure they are aware of the location and voltage of overhead powerlines where they are working. 大多数架空电力线不是绝缘的. Metal objects that make contact with these lines will become energized to the same voltage as the line. 包括自卸卡车. 轮胎在爆炸前可以起到绝缘体的作用. At this time, the vehicle and the ground around it will become energized. 如果轮胎不爆胎,司机应检查轮胎是否损坏. 
  • The 电气安全 Authority (ESA) recommends that drivers and workers maintain a distance of more than 3 metres (10 feet) from powerlines on poles. 职业健康 & 安全法 & Regulations mandate the safe limits of approach to overhead powerlines based on voltage ratings. 
  • Drivers and workers must be made aware of overhead powerline hazards and know what safe limits of approach to adhere to. Caution should be taken not only when lifting the dump truck box – but also when lowering it to avoid unexpected contact with overhead powerlines. 
  • Use either ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCIs) or assured equipment grounding conductor programs to protect your employees from the risk of electrocution or shock. 
What to do if you are operating equipment that contacts a powerline:

  • 如果您的车辆接触到输电线, a driver can be electrocuted if he/she attempts to leave the truck. 警告其他人不要靠近! If someone were to touch the side of the dump truck, they would be electrocuted. In addition, the ground around an energized vehicle could carry electrical current for up to 35 feet. 
  • The equipment and you may now be at the same electrical potential as the powerline, 可能有电流流过地面. 不要触摸设备外的任何东西. You could create another path to the ground for the electrical current to travel. 
  • 另一个错误的动作可能会导致严重的伤害或死亡. 
  • 警告其他人保持至少10米的距离. 
  • 如果电线断了,请拨打911或 1 - 833 - alectra 确保那条线上的电源已经断开. 

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